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At Nubicus, we take pleasure in providing a wide range of included services that are tailored to the unique requirements of companies in different sectors. Our featured services encompass a wide spectrum of expertise and capabilities to support your business growth and success.


Business Conception, Incubation, and Setting Up

The germination of an idea is the precursor to any business. Nubicus caters to the needs of entrepreneurs, assisting them at each step to conceive, incubate, and rationalise ideas into a workable form factor within a set of parentheses. Every idea is an attempt to disengage a problem with a solution, and we assist entrepreneurs in identifying the problem to be solved from multiple perspectives and helping them to build robust products and services.

Business Mentoring

Parenting a business by helping entrepreneurs lead their way in the initial phase of their business life cycle is the role of a mentor. When a business needs guidance and leadership, we help the founders build their foundation in the strongest possible way. Mentoring will help the business find the right path and help the mentee be successful in their endeavour.

Project Reporting and Financing

Preparing a detailed project report (DPR), keeping in mind various internal and external factors, will help the upper management identify the true potential of running a business. We help businesses with the preparation of project reports, and we also assist business organisations in securing funding, whether locally or internationally. DPR enables business houses to get funding through debt or equity infusions by individuals, financial institutions, or other institutions.

Project Location Identification, Setup, and Management

We associate with various governments and other agencies that provide facilities for setting up industries or other organisations, either individually or through the PPP model. We help businesses identify a suitable location for setting up their business. We also facilitate an end-to-end solution for setting up an organisation and its management on a real-time basis.

Product Design, Development, Licensing & Legislation

We help organisations to develop and market a product through the entire product life cycle. We through our associates help an organisation to research and develop new products, assist with the patent and copyright procedures, and ensure compliance with all legal formalities.

Advertisement and marketing

We help an organisation conceptualise a detailed marketing plan, keeping in view the vision of the organisation. We assist businesses in preparing detailed marketing and sales budgets, selecting appropriate strategies for marketing, advertising, content management, and so on.

HR & Payroll

We help organisations design and develop a comprehensive HR policy covering the entire gamut of recruitment, selection, training, promotion, superannuation, etc. We also support organisations in the preparation of their monthly payroll, ensure compliance with various labour laws, undertake HR and performance audits, etc.

Accounting and Financial Management

We help organisations set up a finance and accounts department, prepare charts of accounts, design various MIS reports that are useful to management, and develop an accounts and finance procedure manual. We assist organisations in developing an omnibus ERP system that will take care of all functional areas of any business organisation.

Virtual CFO services

This is our niche area. Organisations can make use of the services of an expert finance management professional on a virtual platform. A virtual CFO will assist organisations to prepare detailed cash flow and operational budgets, assist in variance analysis of budgeted figures with actual numbers, and assist in taking various decisions that will have financial ramifications both in the long term and short term.

Technology Transformation

Technology transformation is the process of identifying the right technology for the organisation; it could either be an improvement over the technology that is in use or the adoption of virtually new technology. It covers the entire process of the system development life cycle (SDLC).

Business Health Clinic

It is our iconic service, where we undertake a check-up of the business health of an organisation. We put the organisation through our health check-up platform, which comprises various parameters. Such a check-up will help the organisation understand where they stand and what actions they should undertake to make their organisation more agile. We help organisations improve upon various parameters based on our health check-up.

Reputation Management and Privacy Audit

Having a team to observe, understand, and interpret your reputation each week is a great way to make sense of how people respond to your brand or the company as a whole. We will always be on standby to correct or shape public opinion in case of malicious attacks and eventually bring about a shift or a change in the general perception of a population sample to subtly induce people to make informed decisions.

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+91 773 609 6300

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